We had a great Halloween this year and had a blast carving
pumkins. We went over to Amber's to carve
pumkins and the little kids got to paint a pumpkin and they loved that. Amber grew the
pumkins at her house this year so it was cool getting to use the ones she grew they were good ones to.
Dallin loved painting his pumpkin he painted himself just as much as the pumpkin and he thought it was so funny. All the
pumpkins that we carved
turned out really good they are getting better every year. Halloween day Lee was working so my parents and
Dallin and I went out to lunch and then went for a drive in the mountains to see all the fall colors. When we got home it was time to get
Dallin all dressed up for trick or treating. He was a cowboy imagine that, I knew his cowboy hat was the only thing he would keep on his head and I had everything for him to dress up so it was an easy call on what he was going to be. He had a blast trick or treating. We went to the trunk or treat and he was a little shy but thought it was so cool he was getting candy. Then Lee finally was home and got do go with us the rest of the night. Then we just went to Lee's Parents and my parents house and both grandma's houses and just hung out and ate
alot of food at both our parents. All in all it was a good day and I think
Dallin had
alot of fun and now I have a ton of candy to eat which is not so good but oh well.