I have not done anything on here in a while, we had a good Easter Lee was working so my mom came over and Dallin got his Easter basket. Then he hunted his two eggs that were left cause Maggie ate them all. He didn't think it was very fun anyways he was more worried about his bat and ball than anything. I didn't put very many pictures on here because he is naked the whole time so there weren't many to choice from. I swear that kid is naked 80% of the time. When my parents were in Deming a few weeks ago they found this bunny that sings a song and it says "I want candy, I want candy" so they brought it home because everytime Dallin walks in my parents that's what he says. He thought that bunny was the funniest thing ever and that was the only thing we herd for a week. We also went fishing with Grandpa and it was freezing like always but Dallin had a blast and even reeled in a fish by himself. He is so scared to touch a fish he just screams if you try and make him hold it. He better get over that quick.
You Broke Your Freakin Arm!!!!
12 years ago