We had a crazy busy 4th. We went to a pot luck on Saturday for Uncle Tbone, then we went to the fireworks that night. I'm so glad Lee got to go cause he worked all weekend and worked the 4th night but they had the fireworks sat night so it worked out. Then my mom and I went to slack on Sunday morning and then off to Amber's for an ice cream get together. Then Monday we had the parade pot luck at Amber's then the rodeo and then Lee went to work. My mom broke her foot watering her flowers right before the rodeo and ended up getting surgery on it so we have been trying to help her a little. Then swim lessons started for 2 weeks in Show Low so that took up most of everyday. Dallin thought it was ok for the first few days and then he really didn't care much about it anymore. Well we lived through it and he didn't learn a single thing except how to not listen to your teacher but oh well he is little still. Other than that we have just been hanging out enjoying the heat cause it will be cold before long.

You Broke Your Freakin Arm!!!!
12 years ago