We have been very busy lately like always.
Dallin got a new kitty and he loves it he carries it around like a football all day. If it survives
Dallin it will be a good cat. He wakes up every morning and first thing he says is ''titty, titty" and points to the door its so cute. We went to Buckeye this last weekend for a barrel race and I entered
Dallin and he ended up winning the buckle. He was so excited, he didn't know what to think of all the people clapping and taking pictures but he thought it was so cool. He loves to ride Scottie all by himself as long as we don't go very fast he just likes to walk. I think it is the neatest thing that he won his first buckle on the same horse I have run for the last 10 years it means
alot to me. So good
job Dallin and Scottie you guys did awesome!!! They had a little fire safety thing tonight for all the kids and
Dallin got to sit in a helicopter and he thought that was really neat, I couldn't get him to get out of it. He got a fire mans hat and a balloon and a whole bag of coloring books and bouncy balls and stickers. Smokey bear and Sparky were there to and he wanted nothing to do with them he was scared to death. He was so scared I was holding him and he was trying to crawl out of my arms it was kinda sad but funny cause I don't get why kids are always so afraid of stuff like that. Any ways it was fun and I'm so glad they do things like that for the kids.