Dallin loves to wear this cool whip tub on his head every time we go out to my parents. It's the first thing he goes and gets and he walks around saying "hat, hat" it's so funny.
Dallin took a little tumble at my parents the other day they have a little hill that's drops off from their front yard into the driveway. He decided he wanted to walk off the front yard and he tumbled about half way down it was so sad. He was covered in dirt and grass and mud in his mouth and everywhere. We could not believe that he only got one little scape and it doesn't even look as bad in the pictures. I'm sure it wont be the last one because he is all boy and has no fear.

We got allot of snow and I am tired of not being able to go do anything especially riding my horses. I love when it snows how the tree looks in my front yard, I think its really pretty I just wish it would only stay around for a few days and not have the mud. I'm ready for summer already.
Lee and I took Dallin to his first movie today we went and saw The Chipmunks the squeakqual. He did really well for the first half of the movie he loved sitting with his dad eating popcorn and thought the huge screen was really neat. Half way through I think he had enough of The Chipmunks cause he did not want to sit there any more so we left but I guess for a 1 year old that was pretty good.
We got allot of snow and I am tired of not being able to go do anything especially riding my horses. I love when it snows how the tree looks in my front yard, I think its really pretty I just wish it would only stay around for a few days and not have the mud. I'm ready for summer already.
Looks like you have been busy! You need to bring him over so he can play with Kali. That is a good little bump on his head. Poor little dude. And for sitting that long in a movie is really good. You should have just kept buying him food. He would have sat there all day, LOL!